Newburgh Telegraph, 1834
Immediately at the head of the now Steamboat and Ferry Wharf, stands the spacious building erected during, the past year by Col. Carpenter for a public Hotel, and just finished, and opened try Col. E. Hathaway under the above cognomen, ,the "United States Hotel”. The location and admirable construction of this noble edifice are peculiarly calculated to render it one of the most agreeable retreats in the warm season, in the state.
It is built of brick, five stories high. On the side, fronting the water are three piazzas, extending the whole breadth of the building, sustained by lofty free-stone pillars, and enclosed with iron railings. The building is surmounted by a large observatory and promenade, commanding a view of the Highland mountains, West Point, the-verdant hills and rich fields of Dutchess, with the Newburgh Bay, and the Hudson, for ten or fifteen miles, forming a picture rarely met with in this or any other country.
In addition to its superb bar and dining rooms, there are nine Parlours, public and private, with near ninety lodging rooms, variously arranged for the accommodation of individuals or families ; and from the basement to the attick nothing is wanting in the furnishing of the United States Hotel; to render it what it was designed to be by its proprietor, a house of the very first class.
Of mine host and hostess of the “United States," it is needless to say that they are qualified both by nature and experience to have charge of such an establishment.
Where was this located?